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Dietary Information


Scientists are finally realizing that what makes real food so powerful is exactly what they are taking out of food...

Herbs for Blood Types


Hawthorn-Echinacea pururea-Astragulus membranaceous-Chamomille-Valerian Root-Quercitin-Milk Thistle-Bromelain-Garlic-Alfalfa-Burdock-Chamomile-Ginger-Green Tea-Licorice Root-Rose Hips-Strawberry Leaf. 

Licorice-Licorice Root-Siberian Ginseng-Ginko Biloba-Lecithin-Cayenne-Ginger-parsley-Horseradish-Peppermint-Raspberry Leaf, rose Hips-Sage. 

Hawthorn-purple coneflower(Echinacea pururea) Astragulus membranaceous Chamomille-Valerian Root-Quercitin-Milk Thistle-Bromelain, Dandelion, Parsley, Alfalfa, Horseradish. 

Licorice-BladderWrack-Peppermint, Parsley, Rose Hip, Sarsparilla, Cayenne, Chickweed, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Ginger, Hops, Linden, Mulberry, Parsley, Slippery Elm. 

Do not use licorice root without your doctors permission


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFS is a mononucleosis-like syndrome of unknown cause.  Some people believe it is caused by a chronic infection with Epstein-Barr virus.  Many chronic fatigue suffers do show an infection but not all, some show signs of either a single virus or multiple viruses, but many show no signs of either.  Because of this, many doctors have told patients that the illness is in their head.  For those of us who have had CFS, we know the illness is very real.

Anti-Cholesterol Foods

  • Psyllium fiber

  • Garlic

  • Oat bran

  • Soy products

  • Fish

  • Fish oil

  • Green tea

  • Red wine

  • Olive oil

  • Fruits

  • Apples

  • Shrimp

  • Vegetables

  • Almonds


Colon Care

There are four essentials to keeping the colon moving:

  1. Great digestion in the stomach & small intestine

  2. Fiber

  3. Water

  4. Exercise

There are several things that can back the colon up and everybody is individual  but here are the most common detriments:

  1. stress

  2. refined sugar

  3. cheese

  4. breads

  5. pasta

  6. dairy

  7. lack of movement

  8. dehydration

Detox VS Drainage

The term detoxification is usually referred to as the release of toxins from their binding sites.  However, detoxification is not completed unless the released of free-flowing toxins are actually eliminated from the body.   The process of moving a free-flowing toxin though to its final elimination is called drainage. 
Several important factors must work together to promote effective drainage. Improving the efficiency of elimination organs and enhancing circulation/blood flow are just two key components of maximizing drainage.  Drainage can be stimulated through the use of certain herbal or homeopathic remedies at 1x or 2x potency, and through the improvement of the biochemical terrain of the body using targeted nutritional co-factors.

Effective Lifestyle Changes

  • Lose weight

  • Limit smoking, limit alcohol and coffee

  • Limit salt

  • Follow DASH diet

  • Use garlic in your meals

  • Exercise daily (cardio and weight training)

  • Include relaxation in your lifestyle

  • Review your ability to reduce stress


Lipids by the Numbers

Total Cholesterol

  • Desirable: < 200

  • Borderline: 200 - 239

  • High Risk: > 240


  • Desirable: < 130

  • Borderline: 131 - 159

  • High Risk: > 160


  • Desirable: > 45

  • Borderline: 35 - 45

  • High Risk: < 35


  • Desirable: < 150

  • Borderline: 150 - 500

  • High Risk: > 500


Best sources of Magnesium

Check out the link below for a list!

Best sources of Potassium

Check out the link below for a list!

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

  • Gentle exercise

  • Deep, relaxed breathing

  • Meditation

  • Prayer

  • Massage

  • Acupuncture

  • Regularly scheduled recreation time

  • Regular naps and relaxation time


Best sources of Vitamin C

Check out link below for a list!

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